New Age | Teen Ink

New Age

January 3, 2016
By Faythe.M BRONZE, Edmond, Oklahoma
Faythe.M BRONZE, Edmond, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

why is it that the things you want you can't have
perhaps some universal rule of attraction
because god forbid you get the one thing you need
as if the world is hell bent on tearing you apart
to collect the peices of your soul
a prize for those that do its will
the thought of standing out in the dreadful place called home
is dearly frowned upon
perhaps the thought of orginalty died with your youth
maybe your wreched heart forgot to love
what a godsend this new age is
we are from the crevices of your nightmares
our athem we yell
be you regardless of the consequence
we come barren in the skin we love
with our very mind plastered for all to see
a refusal to die down
we are more
we are unique
and we will change the world

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