unlove you | Teen Ink

unlove you

January 1, 2016
By Faythe.M BRONZE, Edmond, Oklahoma
Faythe.M BRONZE, Edmond, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

we were somthing unspoken 

hushed words and discret glances 

a series of accidental 'mistakes'

run into you here

and somewhat over there

lips colliding all by chance 

we let go of pretending

fighting the feelings

and letting our hearts sing the blues

forgetting why we fought

in the feelings we got lost

a hazed over sense of youth

forgetting the reasons we hold untrue

as soon as we came to be 

the sinking ship died a sea

destruction tore in our wake 

clawing us apart 

creating a gap in our hearts 

now we are left in the dark

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