Experiment | Teen Ink


December 20, 2015
By Kerrina16 SILVER, Dededo, Other
Kerrina16 SILVER, Dededo, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

One morning, I woke up and my whole world seemed to have shattered
My heart seemed to have lost a few pieces
And my eyes seemed to have shed a few tears...
Or maybe more
You see, that one morning where I felt as if I completely lost myself...
Was just one of those breakups
One of those "it's not you, it's me"
One of those "I'm sorry but I hope we could still be friends"
One of those "I'm sure you'll find someone who'll appreciate you for who you are"
And of course, one of those "don't worry, I meant everything I said when we were together"
But all never equaled up to all of those "I love you so much"
Or "I don't want anyone else but you"
I'm not going to lie but it sucks..
11 months have gone by and it still feels like that one morning
You've imprinted this image in my mind that we'd be high school sweethearts
That we'd do all the things we said we'd do
That we'd have such a crazy story to tell our kids someday
That maybe we'd still be with each other up til now
But I guess not..
I guess your intentions led to something else
It led to me being your "Guinea pig"
An animal that's often used for experiments
I was your experiment
An experiment that lasted for 3 months
An experiment that you weren't quite sure was going to work but kept trying because you were so confident of its outcome
An experiment that only consisted of multiple mixtures of lies and guilt
An experiment that I wished would've worked
There were so many errors during that experiment and I just wished they were right 

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