Wondrous Potential | Teen Ink

Wondrous Potential

December 18, 2015
By courttneeylynn SILVER, Barnegat, New Jersey
courttneeylynn SILVER, Barnegat, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you're not living the life that you want, you fight for that life." -Jensen Ackles

Did you expect it?
That life-changing, altering moment…
Why did it happen?
Why you? Why now?


Do you think it was the almighty God?
Maybe it was him, granting your desires.
You have to believe anything is possible,
Even in moments when you don’t see the light ahead.


Accept yourself, trust the possibilities of existence.
You are living.
You have opportunities to be the individual you strive to be.
Miracles don’t happen by chance, they happen because you believed.


But what if this marvelous event didn’t happen because you considered wonders…
what if it happened because you made it happen?
Mankind is full of rarities and courage.
Is it possible to make our own miracles authentic?


Phenomenons are conceivable.
Anything is attainable.
The question is…
do you accept that you have the strength to make your revelations come alive?

The author's comments:

Wonder, hope, possibilties, miracles... some of my favorite words. Miracles can come alive in believing and taking chances on ourselves, on our perceptions. 

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