Memories | Teen Ink


December 8, 2015
By Manona_Ray GOLD, Newton, Wisconsin
Manona_Ray GOLD, Newton, Wisconsin
10 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing&#039;s impossible; the word itself says &quot;I&#039;m possible!&quot;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~Audrey Hepburm

When I first met him,
I knew that we would have
Many good memories together.
He was very quiet,
But never afraid to speak his mind.
Compliments from him
Were few and far between,
But we all loved him for that.
I knew him for five days,
And then he left,
Never to return.
His death was a shock to all of us,
Even those of us who barely knew him.

We love you Slagle, Oh yes we do…

I look back on the day
I found out what happened.
It’s been almost half a year;
But it feels like only last week.
I still expect to see him, somewhere.
Walking through the halls,
On the pool deck;
Just somewhere.
But I never will.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece during my swim season, kind of as a way to help me move on. This is about my late swim coach, who died back in July, just before the season started. I wanted to express myself somehow, and this... this is the product of that expressiveness. Our swim coach was an amazing person, and did many things throughout  the community. After his death, it shocked me to find out that people who lived on the opposite end of the country knew his name. i was looking forward to this season more than anything else in the world. That man was the inspiration for my love of swimming.

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