3,856 Miles | Teen Ink

3,856 Miles

December 7, 2015
By lydbear BRONZE, Monroe, North Carolina
lydbear BRONZE, Monroe, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out.

Time is dragging by
every second I am without your voice
feels like an eternity alone
a simple piece of technology keeps us close
but miles of ocean
deep, dark, endless ocean
keeps our bodies apart
I can hear your love through words
and I can see it through your crooked smile
but I want to be able to feel it
through your arms
I want your heartbeat to be my beautiful lullaby
I need to be able to feel the warmth of your skin
I feel so helpless when you’re in pain
when you’re hurt and alone
there’s nothing I can do but whisper sweet words
but I need to be able to hold you
and let you know that everything is okay
and that I’ll never leave
once you’re finally in my arms I promise I’ll never let go
I promise to love you forever
through the time
through all pain
through every argument
I promise to love you until I’m dead and gone
because even though this distance keeps our bodies apart
our hearts will always be together
through everything

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I am in a long distance relationship and poems let me get out my feelings when I think about the distance and I start getting upset.

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