Friends Since 2002 | Teen Ink

Friends Since 2002

December 14, 2015
By Silena4kane GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
Silena4kane GOLD, Jacksonville, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 2 comments

My Gammie,
The woman who loathed being called Grandma,
And chose Gammie.
Full of energy,
And a tank of gas,
Filled to the max,
Ready for our next adventures,
From a horrifying camping experience,
To the rollercoaster thrill of theme parks.
Or even brand new states,
Or just a dip into her blue pool,
The multicolored lights inside,
Shining outward.
The last weekend of every month,
Filled with fun,
Board games like monopoly (where she’s impossible to beat)
And T.V where you have to turn on Law and Order.
Dread always closes in,
As Sunday nears closer and closer,
Sadness clouded by the anticipation for,
The next time we go again,
Because tradition formed ever since,
Middle school became a hassle.
As she gets into her dark colored shiny convertible,
Her Gator Paraphernalia,
Flashing in the bright sun,
As we say our special goodbye,
That was always obvious with her favorite football team (the Gators),
And specially reserved ever since I could talk,
“See you later Alligator!”
“After a while Crocodile!”

The author's comments:

A very important person who has known me my whole life deserves a special tribute

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