Today | Teen Ink


December 8, 2015
By HeartOfGold15 GOLD, Bay City, Michigan
HeartOfGold15 GOLD, Bay City, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You don’t ask people with knives in their stomachs what would make them happy; happiness is no longer the point. It’s all about survival; it’s all about whether you pull the knife out and bleed to death or keep it in."
- Nick Hornby

you stole from me
my sanity
my purity
my identity


is a broken promise
your tongue slipped
you couldn't keep
a simple vow


is a reminder
of how I've suffered
how I've labored
how I've cried




But today
Today is mine.


Today is mine
to make the most of,
to enjoy,
to love,
to live again


Today is mine
and even if you've
infected my brain
you cannot steal
my day away.


Today is mine
and never again
will I let you hurt me
never again
will I take a promise


Today is mine
?and you can't take it.

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