Silent Drills | Teen Ink

Silent Drills

December 16, 2015
By _msqw BRONZE, Lawrence, Pennsylvania
_msqw BRONZE, Lawrence, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why can't there be silent drills?


The sound is no distraction

It's not trying to hide,

in fact it's mass production

It's covered in pride

The noise of the drills,

drill inside my mind

And like that the loud drills were kept inside

because they think I have nothing to hide


This noise is my enemy

It's inside my mind, it's killing me

The thoughts are taking over

They're not keeping me so sober


The noise is drilling holes you see,

constantly and I can't let it be

Being inside my mind isn't so fun

It's like I'm trapped and the disease is handed the gun

And there's no way of getting out

because the noise is always about

drilling holes, dark and deep

so the diseases can always creep

and fill my mind

so they have have the dark and noise to hide behind

and the noise always drills them in

cause there aren't any silent drills.


So with that I say

be careful, it can come night and day

because there are no silent drills

and the diseased darkness always fills.

The author's comments:

My love for writing has always been here. I suffer from bipolar depression, anxiety, and ADHD. I have been for my whole life. I wrote this poem when I heard drills outside of a window. I was in the city so it is pretty common. But I live in the suburbs so it felt uncommon. It was a very distracting sound because I was feeling extremely depressed at the time. So it made me annoyed, and angry but depressed. That's the story of my life, but I hope the reader can relate to the "noise" and the "drills" being mental illnesses. I hope they know they are not alone. :-)

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