What Happened? | Teen Ink

What Happened?

December 4, 2015
By Maki_4415 BRONZE, Delphos, Ohio
Maki_4415 BRONZE, Delphos, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde

What did I do to make you hate me?
What did I do to make you want to completely shut me out from your life?
We used to be the closest of friends and now we're complete strangers.

What happened?

You don't even look at me anymore and before we would always give each other small glances that would make the other one laugh.
You knew all my secrets and came running the instant I needed you.

What happened?

You took me out for ice cream on my birthday because you knew about my ice cream obsession.
You would just randomly text me asking if you could ride over to my house as you were pulling into my driveway.
You knew about my nightmares and texted me at 1 in the morning telling me everyone was safe and that everything was going to be okay.

What happened?

You were there for my great grandparents' death and made sure I was okay.
You knew about my depression attacks and how much that hurt me.
So you decided to make sure I didn't do something that I would regret.
You proved to me that you were going to be there for me when the rest of the world wasn't.
You made me laugh as I was drowning in my own tears.

You were there when I needed someone to cry to.
You were there.
You were.

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