Title-Down Poem | Teen Ink

Title-Down Poem

December 2, 2015
By JWS29 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
JWS29 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Army Strong

Running as fast as I can, with my,
M16 in my hands me and my battle buddies side by side with me. We are no longer a
Youth. We are getting broken down and built back up again and again.

Soothing Fort Leonard wood
The calming shots being fired.
Running within my Basic Combat Training. In the morning I can't turn
On. With my Drill Sergeants yelling it's
Not your average Joe and can't get your average cup of Joe.
Going to work killing my Enemy once I get deployed. Not know where.

The author's comments:

This is a Title-Down poem about Armt Basic Combat Traning at Fort Leonard wood


The title I used to go down on the side is ARMY STONG

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