Missing Piece | Teen Ink

Missing Piece

November 30, 2015
By JisselFlores BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
JisselFlores BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My blank pair of eyes focused on the rotted flowers

carefully set in the center of my dresser.

Memories fill my head of the days that we were one.

Those white roses are a month old.


And I have been lonely for two weeks now.

The jar rests under my bed.

Those notes shall remain unopened.

For I do not want to be reminded.

The pictures I cannot burn.

Evidence that everything was perfect at one point in my life.

That point took an unexpected turn.


Cannot find the strength to throw those flowers away,

and that jar that has every bit of you in it.

I do not want to be reminded of the people that I pushed away.

All for you.

All for what?

Please let me go to sleep.

I know that we are still together in my dreams. 

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