Vertiginous | Teen Ink


November 17, 2015
By itsmeeeeeeeeeeee GOLD, Weston, Florida
itsmeeeeeeeeeeee GOLD, Weston, Florida
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Spinning in circles was first nature to me
As a dancer I had learned to spin in circles
over and over again without getting dizzy
but as I grew so did the time I spent spinning in circles
but these circles were different
they weren’t what I had endured at dance
No, they were like nothing I had ever felt before
At dance my circles were exhilarating and enjoyable at heart
But these were hopeless and made me feel vulnerable
countless days and nights I was tangled up in these circles
agonizing to find a way out of the labyrinth
which only led me back to where I had began
around and around again
And in the end
I got dizzy trying to catch up with you
I am no longer able to follow you around in your twisted circles
So surprisingly for once, I’m happy to be left out of the loop
and I now walk in solitude
Away, in a straight line

The author's comments:

late night thoughts

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