Coming of Age | Teen Ink

Coming of Age

November 18, 2015
By maroon5fan123456 BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
maroon5fan123456 BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Driver’s licenses, speeding tickets, life in the fast lane
Full of responsibility, difficulty, and the possibility of being a little vain
It’s a time of puberty, discovery, and the future
A time for many heartbreaks that can only be cured with a suture
Sometimes when a mirror is your only friend
Right until the bitter end
But don’t be scared or hide
Because it’s only a matter of time for it all to subside

So when you look in the mirror and ask who you see

Is it in someone you can believe?

The author's comments:

My creative writing teacher gave us ten themes to choose from and one included "Coming of Age". I felt that I could connect with this theme in a personal way. I hope people take away that the poem is about finding yourself and accepting yourself as you are.

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