Changing Life | Teen Ink

Changing Life

November 10, 2015
By sierraj1998 SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
sierraj1998 SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I grow up I never thought it would change like this

My mother not being there to hold my hand when the monsters came

When I got carried to bed

When I had a night light to help me sleep

I don’t remember when it all stopped

Now i’m waking up at five in the morning

Feeling like every hour of the day is a test to stay awake

Working all the time

Going to CNA class until 9:30 at night

Trying to start my career and handle school

Juggling these two classes are hard but,

You will be thankful in the end

When you have a great job helping people

You will fulfill your life

Nobody will be able to take the pride away from you.

Be happy because,

Before you know it your life will be gone

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