dear father | Teen Ink

dear father

November 10, 2015
By christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i was a boy who grew up without a mother or father. i had to find my way in this world of sinful men. but in my life i had to grow up as a father to my brother i had to be the one to defend. i waited by that old oak door for my father to come home and play. but waiting by that oak wood door i had to think what i would never get to say. father dear father why did you leave me alone. i wanted to see your scruffy face and show you that im not alone. i wanted to learn how to drive a car, learn to shave, comb my hair, and learn to pray. but no, you had to leave me alone with this drunk of a mother to stay. father dear father why did you have to go away. i wanted to laugh until my voice would crack and cry until there were no more tears. but now i have to stand up tall with the weight of a broken home on my back. walking away was a cowards game and something ill never do. but try and come back to me and ill say nothing to you. i am a father now, to the son you left behind. i am now my brothers keeper, and that will always shine.

The author's comments:

as a child my father had left and i had to raise my mother and brother because my mom was a drunk and my brother was autistic. i love my brother and this is to him.

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