To the being of love | Teen Ink

To the being of love

November 3, 2015
By christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To the very being of love
Why must I be the one for you to test
Over and over again you play me
A toy in your chest,
A weapon in your beloved arsenal,
But I thank you
You have given to me
The woman I will forever adore.
You have placed meaning into my life.
The connections between my heart and my soul
The thought of her is like riding
Upon the very wings of love
Soaring threw the sky
Wind beating on my face
I beg that you not toy with me.
This woman
This indescribable beauty
That you have given me is my own Aphrodite
Her love is my air, her care is my moon
For she shines even in my darkest nights
She is my reason for living.
To the being of love
Thank you.

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