Address to my love | Teen Ink

Address to my love

November 3, 2015
By christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have never seen such beauty
In all the world of men.
You must be a maiden
From the very gods of love.
How can such adoration exist
In the hearts of humans?
Your eyes are as lovely as
The sunset on a crisp autumn cliff
Overlooking the sirens dancing waves.
Your heart, how can there be
Such care in the hearts
Of stone-hearted beings?
Again how can you be of this world
Yet have this amount of love?
From across the sea I would
Still be able to feel the sweet
Breeze of your gentle breath
And deep kisses upon
My lips. You are an angel
From the very throne room of God

The author's comments:

After my last break up I fell in love with my new girlfriend and this is for her

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