deaths embrace | Teen Ink

deaths embrace

November 5, 2015
By christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
christoph SILVER, Witchita, Kansas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

how can anyone know what the life after this is like

will it be tottal darkness or maybe a blinding light

i lay on the bed as a cool breaze slips over me.

a sent of pumpkin spice fills the air on a breaze of

non existing air. i look out of the window. even thought it is summer in the real world i see the leaves falling to the ground.

copper specks of dead leaves spiral down from the tall trees.

the fealing of a warm embrase fills me to tears. how can one truely understand what it is like to feal dead. well this is my death and this is what i see. i look at the face of the embrace. death is not a sceleton with a syth. death is me. i look into the eyes of a younger me. a child with my dark blue eyes. it must be an angel for i could see light emmiting from the childs face. is this death? is this a lie? no i am dead and i can truely feal at peace from the world of men. i can finally find peace.

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