colors | Teen Ink


October 15, 2015
By coolcats611 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
coolcats611 BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Barren, green cacti in beautiful shapes. The color of the desert. Blooming flowers. Wind pushing, sculpting dunes and sandstorms. Skulls and little underbrush. Desert foxes and coyotes. The sun beating down. No plants are tall enough for shade. The blue sky envelopes everything in a parallel universe. The sense that you're all alone with no escape. Searching for an oasis, a beautiful paradise where no work will ever find you. Missing the big things in life. But making up with small things. Like scoring a goal. Sunny days filled with gardening and hard work. The satisfaction of finishing something that took so long to do. Looking at old maps and the fascination with seeing something rarely seen by other people.

The color of an indigo rose on a snowy day. Purple tulips and winter nights. Tinted glass and a rain storm. The feeling of a new day and the smell of winter. A crunch of dry leaves under bare feet, when the warmth of a bed in the morning clings to your body. An untouched white canvas stained by the drops of black watercolor sliding down like tears on your face. Waking up in the middle of the night under and open sky and see all of the stars. The beauty of a swirl. A possibility of so many galaxies, so tired. Conflicted as to whether to stay up and look at the sky or sleep and embrace the dreams of everything you could imagine.

A crown of white daisies on golden hair. A sunny grove with pastel gossamer streamers and yellow roses. Red poppies swaying in the wind. The color of white tulle skirts and simplified bridesmaids dresses. A beautiful spring day with blooming flowers and dancing to imaginary music. Art museums that go on forever. Exploring a new place. Discovering a new cafe and buying a dress that is comfortable and cute. Orchestras and dances. The fine arts of life.

Green, like a forest on a misty morning. Running through the dirt paths jamming out to your favorite songs. Sweaty faces and wet hair tied in a messy ponytail. It might've been hot if not for the light rain and the chill of a November day. Small succulents growing in a garden. Plants overtaking the natural gray light in a house. Piano music. Simplistic and pure. Clear notes and soft voices humming to a unknown song. A house so big and bright. There's no way of knowing if you're outside or inside. Messy bun and simple rooms. Water colors hung on the white gray walls.

Dark nights ignited by a fire on the beach. Roasting s'mores and laughing with friends. Deep red lipstick. A glowing open sign at midnight. Dyed hair and band t-shirts. Black jeans and combat boots. Feeling like the world is yours. Burnt candles and the first stars in a dark blue sky. Laying on the ground in a warm sleeping bag trying to find all of the constellations. The feeling like it's one in the morning and everyone's asleep but you could stay up for hours enjoying the city. Being by yourself looking at the moon.

A golden haze ascending into the sky. A kingdom of clouds and divine buildings shining like the golden sun. The smell of an old library, something so old that it shouldn't be touched. Looking at it is a privilege and gift. The ability to create your own path and find your own way in life. A temple, a feeling of something greater, bigger than life. Knowledge the kind you can get from books, the Kind you get from living your life. Kings and queens, valiant knights but no war to fight. Eternal peace. Nothing is impossible. Calligraphy and writing for hours on end. Tucked away in a hidden corner of the world where no one would ever find you.

Bubblegum everything. Hair color, clothes and the actual thing. Pink trimming on a mansion. Plastic flamingos that stand out on a green lawn. Albums and roses. Faded Polaroids of good old times. Linens that filter light through large windows into empty rooms that hold memories of a social childhood. Pastel pink roses on a white chalkboard, smudged with carelessness.  Children's crayons scattered on the floor. Youth and freedom. Flowers and perfume fill the air. Artwork that is complex and colorful hang on walls. Newspapers that sit unread on a messy table filled with sticky pancakes and chocolate milk. Rushing around in the mornings. The bathroom mirror fogged up from long hot showers that cause everyone to be late.

The ocean. White foam on sandy shore. The unpredictable repetitiveness of waves crashing against the shore. Footprints being washed away as erosion occurs. Strong winds pushing ten foot waves against tall cliffs. The tastes of salt on your lips and the roughness of your tangled hair. A feeling of peace and exploration. Tide pools and finding sand dollars. Collecting shells and getting chilled to the bone. Iced tea and looking around at the caves that can only be reached and low tide. Doing all kinds of stupid things that are so much fun.

The top of a mountain on a misty, rainy day. Not seeing anything other than the huge rocks in front of you but feeling like you're at the top of the world. The feeling of beautiful isolation. This is worth the long hike it took to get here. The wetness of the air and the inside warm rain jacket. Posing with your friends and looking at all the small green sprouts that pop up everywhere. Bath Bombs and unwinding your sore muscles after a long day. Coffee and tea. Listening to music or watching a movie with some popcorn and hot coco.

Urban life. A roller coaster of days and nights. Mornings filled with sleepy eyes and hot coffee mugs. Nights filled with moonlit walks and late grocery shopping. Baking cookies and exploring the huge city. Going to the tops of skyscrapers just for the foggy view of a busy morning. Yellow taxis and pastries. Suitcases and traveling to the airport. Off on another adventure. The constant noise of everyone going about their daily lives is overwhelming.

These are the different ups and downs of life. The colorful maps. Glimpses of a better time. The feeling that you wished would go on forever. Listening to your favorite song for the first time. Really bonding with a friend that you know you will have forever. Just wasting your time with things that seemed so stupid but make great memories. Wishing to regroup and be alone. Hoping to stay young and unresponsible. But the problem is this feeling only lasts so long. You wake up the next morning forgetful and hoping to start a new day, full of work and you just keep hoping to do something more interesting with your life.

The author's comments:

try and guess what color/ sensation each number is.

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