How Come | Teen Ink

How Come

October 10, 2015
By sarah_h2 SILVER, West Chester, Pennsylvania
sarah_h2 SILVER, West Chester, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How come you say no

When I really really want that bunny doll

Everyone else in the whole entire world has it

I'm not exallerating

You say it funny

You need to say exallerating

But I really want it


How come you say no 

When I'm begging you to take me

To Carly's birthday party

Only certain people were invited

I was one of them

Let me go

Nuh-uh, they're not mean kids

You're mean

Just let me go  


How come you say no 

When he's standing right outside the door

Waiting for me 

Don't you understand 

Can't you understand 


How come you say no 

And take away my phone 

And tell me to stay home 

I'm leaving bye


How come I said bye 

I want to go home 

To you

Is it too late 

How come I said no 

To you 

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