A Tether of Tears | Teen Ink

A Tether of Tears

October 13, 2015
By Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
Kaelynn GOLD, Reno, Nevada
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We can climb out of hell one inch at a time.

Oh my mustang
Bathed so black
The scars of roses
Upon your back
Gentled by
A lead of pain
Brown eyes made
Soft by acid rain
Mustang built
By tortures of man
It awes me that
You still stand
Head of grace
Sweet dignity
You bite the hand
But nuzzle me
I touch rose paint
Upon your back
Crimson red
Upon deeper black
Wild mustang
Tethered with tears
I will hold you
These few years
Oh how you stand
Have I seen such sight
Oh you are gentle
Mustang of the night.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by a man I know who was once abused as a child. I wrote it to make a point that all people have good and bad sides, and there are reasons for their actions.

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