Memories of You | Teen Ink

Memories of You

October 9, 2015
By Meg.don BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
Meg.don BRONZE, Flushing, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cherish the memories
The times you see your friends, wish away your childhood,
and wish away your youth.

Cherish the memories
The days you sat on dads lap,
ran up and gave him hugs
even when you knew,
he’d be back.

Cherish the memories
The times you were mad at mom,
when you went shopping,
midnight comforts,
and when you screamed you just wanted mom.

Cherish the memories
The mean girls at school
who criticized your every move.
They made you feel insecure,
they made you stronger.
You didn’t know that yet.

Cherish the memories
Middle school dances,
filled with drama,
but you had a blast anyway.

Cherish the memories
Of childhood,
and drama.

Cherish the memories
That make up

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