Where I Come From | Teen Ink

Where I Come From

October 2, 2015
By Gennamac BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
Gennamac BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from long summer days,
Up north on the lake.
Capture the flag and ice cream
Laying on the dock looking at the stars,
The lake calm,
and peaceful.
I am from losing every badminton game
And biking through the trails.
Movie nights in the back house,
And chasing after dogs.

I am from singing in the shower.
Band practice in the basement every Tuesday,
My dad and his friends.
I am from Monday nights at the Detroit Symphony,
My sister smiles to the crowd and we wave back.
I’m from listening to my favorite album 24/7,
my mom, dad, and sister forced to memorize the words.
I’m from sore finger tips,
writing song’s following those
who inspire me.

I am from driving with my friends at 1am.
Drive thrus and chocolate shakes.
Sitting shot gun, picking the soundtrack for the evening.
I am from singing and showing off.
Harmonizing together.
I am from inside jokes.
From laughing in class, trying to hold our tongues.
We drive each other crazy
but we are still up
two am talking,
making sense of it all.

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