College Bound | Teen Ink

College Bound

September 30, 2015
By lukesomma BRONZE, Waterbury, Connecticut
lukesomma BRONZE, Waterbury, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There are far, far greater things ahead than any we leave behind." C.S. Lewis

12:49 in the morning

Midnight's mourning

My dreams

As they succumb to my lack of 

American greens

Gamma always said,

"Do what makes you happy

Set sail for America

No need for map and key"

The boat costs 28 grand

College, tsnumai sea

The author's comments:

Although I tend to write non-fiction pieces, I found that short poems, however terrible they may be, can be an excellent way to express emotion. When writting this particular rhyme, I was facing the greatest hardship I've ever experienced. As a high school senior, I  aspired to be a chef and wanted to pursue an education in a very elite, and very expensive culinary school. I reguarly had to sit my high-school educated parents down and explain that we'd have to take on a tremendous financial load with no goverment or scholarship assistance, in order for me to succeed in life. At the end of the day, I had to convince even myself that $28,000 a semester was worth it. I had to convince myself that standing behind a stove for $12.00-$22.00 an hour was what I wanted to do for the remainder of my life, as well.

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