Grandpa n' the Hat | Teen Ink

Grandpa n' the Hat

September 29, 2015
By Finlayson BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
Finlayson BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He was the smartest,
He was my role model,
He was my best friend,
But most importantly.
He was my Grandpa.

We did everything together.
All the projects we did,
All the vacations we took,
And the most memorable Tigers game of my life.
A game that would change me forever.

I got my first tigers hat at that game.
I can picture it perfectly not missing a single detail
It’s old, dusty, broken, it’s bluish black color, and the old white tiger symbol on the front
That hat carries so many memorable moments that I could never forget
Including the passing of a titan, a role model, and best friend in my life

I wear this hat to this day.
I wear this hat to all the tiger games.
I wear this hat to remember,
The greatest person that ever lived,
My grandpa.

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