Enjoying Blueberry Pancakes And Being With My Grandma | Teen Ink

Enjoying Blueberry Pancakes And Being With My Grandma

September 24, 2015
By Anonymous

All of a sudden the house exploded, with the delicious and savory smell of blueberry pancakes, like a bomb bursting.

“Patrick”, my Grandma announced hungrly.
“ Would you please get plates, forks, and the syrup please”, she pleaded.
“ Sure”, I agreed sounding starved.
I snacthed two plates from her dark oak cabinet.
After that, I  rapidly went to her silverware drawer and swiped two forks.
Lastly, I yanked open the fridge and quickly stole the tall syrup from the fridge.
I thought how long will these blueberry pancakes take to cook already!

While I was grabbing the the dishes and the syrup,
My Grandma flipped the 10 pancakes, she looked so impatient and most of all starving.
“They are all done, finally.” she said with joy in her voice.
“Let’s eat,” I said with excitement, I could almost taste the blueberry pancakes already with their sweet and savory taste.

My Grandma abruptly put the pancakes on each of our large plates.
Meanwhile, I was placing the syrup on each plate, the syrup gushed out like a thick waterfall.
“Time to eat,” I declared with wonder.
“ Let’s,” she agreed.

When I bit into the pancake it tasted like a delicious, soft, and warm pancake.
It was light as a feather and when if bite into a blueberry it gushed out the delicious flavor juice.

“They are so good.” I complimented her.
“Thanks” she said and all of a sudden a huge grin spread across her face.

This moment with eating delicious blueberry pancakes will remain with me forever.

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