Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2015
By ctfxcfan1414 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
ctfxcfan1414 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from dishes stacked in the sink,
a basement flooding with stuffed animals and games from my childhood...
I am from a newly tuned guitar,
and music I wrote to share my thoughts...
I am from blonde hair and blue eyes,
three generations of the same smile...

I am not from disrespect and dishonesty,
nor disrupting a thought process…
I am not from an unsteady household,
nor forced smiles...
I am not from sadness and regret,
nor a family I despise....

But from Christ Our Savior church,
five blocks from where I grew up…
but from a miniature grocery store,
the rusty kids carts from years ago…
but from friends,
and swimming in sparkling pools on a scorching hot day...

I am from a newly tuned guitar,
and music I wrote to share my thoughts...
I am the notes that define me.

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