My First Heartbreak | Teen Ink

My First Heartbreak

August 24, 2015
By MarissaKailey23 GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
MarissaKailey23 GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
1. I live my life one quarter mile at a time. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free
2.Life's simple, you make choices and you don't look back
3.Ride or die

Inside me there is a physical ache

I've tried to relieve it, but it's a weight I cannot shake

This is not grief I have delt with before

I'm not used to such feelings I cannot ignore

It's not like you're gone for good

Just a few days later, in front of me you stood

I know I do not want you gone

Thought it would make it easier to move on

Becasue everytime I see your face

I am reminded of that empty space

I remember the spot where you used to lay

I remember the color before it turned gray

You asked me to remain your friend

This slows the process my heart needs to mend

You always treated me better than I deserve

Our memoriess are ones I'll surly preserve

Eachday I hope for an "I miss you"

Any reassurance you have not let your feelings ensue

When we see eachother every once in a while

I find myself finally able to smile

When you drop me off, I keep my feelings in my head

You say goodnight, no "I miss you", feelings left unsaid

I watch you drive out of sight

My mind is flooded with the events from that night

I immediatly recognize the familar ache

All over again I feel my heart break

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