The Tale of a Waking Heart | Teen Ink

The Tale of a Waking Heart

August 2, 2015
By MoMoEvil BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
MoMoEvil BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is seen when the waking heart is glanced upon A world of wonders, completed with a spectrum of possibilities Always content with its ways of life Everlasting beauty that is reflected onto the person from the soul of their heart

What is perceived when the heart of sorrow is shown for a fraction of a moment? Remember the flowers dying last winter's eve? That is what is cast out from the soul of a sorrow heart. Indubitably, it is just another bad day and this heart's hardships shall set As the sun shall come forth and shine light to create A waking heart

What shall happen to this heart?
It will be wrapped nicely, like a Christmas gift of sorts
And delivered to your front doorstep
Possibly with a silver platter underneath

Hopefully, the feeling shall arise that you are loved, more dearly than fantizied
Even if it remains unknown that
'twas I who shall send it You shall feel loved

And it is that all I could ever hope for,
for I understand the feeling of unloved
So do not fret, for I love you

The author's comments:

This is the the sequel to Thoughts Upon a Waking Heart.  It talks about love, and even if you don't realize it somebody loves you. 

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