Do You Feel Pain? | Teen Ink

Do You Feel Pain?

July 19, 2015
By clmitchum BRONZE, Quitman, Mississippi
clmitchum BRONZE, Quitman, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe I am numb.

I believe the tears are gone.

My heart is a cold stone.

The care that I feel is as big as a crumb.

Pain use to be in me.

Now I am empty.

On the outside I smile.

Go inside me and there is hate.

Piles and piles of hurt,

But I will ovecome.

I will feel joy.

I will feel pain.

And I will be happy. 

The author's comments:

This poem is just written about what I feel on the inside and  the hope I have to overcome the pains of life and just be able to enjoy life. I would appreciate and comments that would help my writing style as I am new to this. :)

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