The Rain | Teen Ink

The Rain

July 6, 2015
By breezibi SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
breezibi SILVER, Longmont, Colorado
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Raindrops with their little feet

Pattering on the streets.

Fat droplets racing across misted car windows

Gobbling up the tiny spectators.

Children jumping in puddles

Or sending sticks down currents.

People with colorful umbrellas

People scurrying by with newspapers over their heads.

Hurricane-force winds

Shooting bullets of water at the windows.

Lightning flashes

Counting, counting

Thunder scores a strike.

Cold dark sheets

Warm bright sprinkles.

Fresh smells

Finding worms, salting slugs

Coming in soaked and smiling.

Dancing in the rain

Wet strings of hair flying out

Spraying droplets.

Cuddling up by the fire with a book

Watching the storm outside.

That glorious moment when schoolchildren

Get to have recess outside

In the rain.

Jogging in the rain,

Biking in the rain.

Life is about learning to embrace the rain.

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