HOW'D YOU DO IT | Teen Ink


July 3, 2015
By blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
blessed_curse GOLD, Glenpool, Oklahoma
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live today like yesterdays tomorrow- me

How did you do it? How did you make me so at peace, how did you change my perfect imperfections into my best qualities? You have me wanting to know what it is you do, what is it you do and how did you do it?

Is it that your so perfect with your body and your smile? Is it that you chose to love me, pick me out of everyone else?

Why do you curse me so! Why do you play me so? Why do you make me so... So at peace!?

Why did you take my crazy life and flip it up side down? How did you do it so?

Loving you came so easy.. Losing you becomes harder with each passing day, making my world from peace to world war 3!

So how did you do it so? Are you a magician, did you use your Abra cadabra alacasam? Or did you take me by my hand and show me how to dance?

So many questions, so many why's, but only one you, out of everyone else I'm lucky because I chose to pick you too.

The author's comments:

(Wrote this for those of you who feel or already have found your life partner, you guys and gals look so good together, with all the bullspit and stuff put aside you guys make everything work out for the better, and thats good and so rare these days, so i wrote this for you all today hope you enjoy it :) )

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