You Always... | Teen Ink

You Always...

June 9, 2015
By Anonymous

You always put a false smile on your face

As if others don't need to care for you,

As if everything is fine as long as people don't know what you're feeling or thinking,

As if you don't want to show your true self.


You always had a laugh that if one listens carefully, there is

A hint of uncertainty,

A hint of fakeness,

A hint of sadness.


You always never spoke out

Your thoughts,

Your ideas,

Your emotions,


Until it was too late.


You always used other people

Like toys,

Like puppets,

Like dolls,

Never thinking about the consequences and how other people thought.


You always made me think that I was

Your close friend,

Your sister,

Your other puzzle piece.


You always said

That others were hurting you,

That they didn't know the sacrifices that you've made,

That no on believes in you.


You always

Never see the hurt in my eyes when you pretended,

Never hear my concerns about your playing of others,

Never feel my appreciation and gratefulness of you,

Never understand that there are people who care for you.


You always

Made me smile,

Made me laugh,

Made me think that I was able to understand you,


But I guess I was wrong.

The author's comments:

There are times when you feel that you know the person, but then there are times when you feel that you know a stranger.

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