The Fear Inside | Teen Ink

The Fear Inside

June 1, 2015
By 17ow01 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
17ow01 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He was afraid of the night
there wasn’t going to be any light
but now the time has arrived
it was up to him to decide
whether or not he would try
or live with fear till he dies
yet the sky wasn’t blue
and the night wasn’t dark
but his real fear was inside
hidden during all this time
now the time has come
the time for him to expose it
before his life would come to closure
now he had to keep his composure
now he wanted to live life to the fullest
but the only way out of this sump
was first to get passed this bump
so step by step he mastered 48 laws
but erasing his flaws and learning the laws
wasn’t as easy as he thought because
the way back up and out of the sump
was not only overcoming his fears
it was seeing the reality for the first time
the day he opened his eyes
he looked into the sunrise
and felt the butterflies fly out of his mind
he said: „today I will be kind“
and the stars aligned have redefined
his life so he stood up and went to find
the true meaning of being alive

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