The Night When My Father Was No More | Teen Ink

The Night When My Father Was No More

June 4, 2015
By slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Pain, that was not yet the pain of love, fretted his heart.

From up above I heard the door,

Slamming shut.


And through the room came my father, 

A blur.


On that, the day of two fathers' birth,

When one was no more.


Up the stairs I climbed in fear, 

Anticipating a calm before the storm.


There it was, open and beckoning,

Sitting in the center of the room.


The toy chest I had come to know, 

Was unhinged and splintered.


I turned it right side up,

To face a mirror – staring.


The image of a fair skinned man,

With rough chinly subble,

and the hint of his eyes,

carrying bags.


I returned to my father, 

and showed him my mirror.


And he bowed his head,

and knelt before me,


Squeezing his hands over mine, 

While a single tear

dripped onto my mirror.


And that night, 

My father didn't tuck me in – under my covers.


He left me for yonder,

While me dreams were squandered,

on that night: the night of broken mirrors.


I became a man,

With the turn of a back,

and the slamming of a door...


On that, the night of two fathers' birth,

When both had become no more.

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