Different Angles | Teen Ink

Different Angles

May 26, 2015
By eviehow08 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
eviehow08 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm surrounded by a concrete jungle

with artificial air all around me,

caged in by a ruthless society,

that's willing to break me down.

The concrete is around me,

but it doesn't mean I'm cemented to the ground.

So on I go.


The idea of risks does not scare me,

what scares me is what could have happened

if I didn't try.

A pleasant anxiety rises up inside me,

my breathing reaches a crescendo.

On I'm going.


Coming from fairy villages to giant skyscrapers

to tumbleweed crawling to crying trees.

Those are the best.

Crying trees.

Holding their emotions up

until they can't take it anymore.


If you think about it,

they are like humans.

They can be physically scarred

and fall if struck hard.


Even dispersed in different places,

they can still grow.

New soil doesn't mean new light

just different angles.


That is why traveling is so great.

Sometimes when uprooted,

you can grow stronger.

It just depends where you're placed.


I can't live on a monotonous day-to-day life,

the sun slapping me in the same place,

with everyone observing but

looking the other way.


Traveling takes you back to being a seed,

the wind is carrying you away,

letting you drop down and touch different places

until you are finally rooted where you belong.

The author's comments:

Ever since I met my great-grandparents, I've had the urge to travel. I guess its so I can feel connected to them, go to the places they went and feel their presence. That urge then grew stronger when I met my two foreign exchange friends from Sweden and Norway. They told me about their experiences traveling to different places including their flight to America. From that moment on, I knew I NEEDED to travel or my life would never be complete.

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