Still Family | Teen Ink

Still Family

May 23, 2015
By Megan_Angelica3 BRONZE, Springbok, Other
Megan_Angelica3 BRONZE, Springbok, Other
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everybody is weird. Everybody just doesn't wanna admit it." - M.A.E

When your big brother calls you from a rehab centre,
Do not be rude or unhappy or ask why.
Be polite and loving and caring,
Just as you have always been.
Talk to him and listen and ask about how he is.
Forget about that time he hit you from anger and breathe deeply
Be as compassionate as possible and tell him how college or life is.
Remember that he is family,
Even if your family might seem like a 1000 year old tree in a rainforest about to be cut down,
You are still family.
Whether you get turned into matches or furniture or paper
You are still family.
Remember the days you used to look up to him and be proud whenever people asked if you were his little sister
How high your voice would get from excitement, because you knew – he was someone you wanted to be like.
And when the conversation ends and he says he loves you,
Say it back.
Not because you have to,
But because even though you somehow have unwanted and wanted anger within yourself
You still love him for being your brother
And you remember that he is still family even if it felt like everything that was happening would have let your family crumble,
You are still family
And even those family members who you feel do not need you,
Still need family and they do after all need you.
And when that call ends,
Breathe and cry if you want to.
Think of all that you would have liked to say to him,
Everything that you wish could be so easy to empty
And breathe as if it would be the last thing you will ever do,
And remember, that even though you might still have anger or hate or sadness within yourself
That he is after all still your family.

The author's comments:

I wrote this after my brother called me from a rehad centre. This is written from emotions that have. It might not be perfect yet, but this is what I have got so far. 

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