Confounder | Teen Ink


May 22, 2015
By slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Pain, that was not yet the pain of love, fretted his heart.

When the paths of life and essence cross,

she walks by.


And me, my soul and I, drift down to meet her as she beckons;



And for a trifled trice, she touches my bones;

tickles my marrow;

tempting the fibers of my tomorrow to live in her forever.


So, she continues on her way,


Through boundless time, and timeless bounds;


Through minute-less moments, and moments of less minutes;


She drifts on; 


from present to past;

from future to present.

Until they are one and the same.


And all of what she was, she shall be;

and all of what she shall be, she is.



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