You Say | Teen Ink

You Say

May 14, 2015
By Eddieolson BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
Eddieolson BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You say you don’t need me.
You say you don’t care about me.
You say you don’t love me.
But I know you still want me.
I’m like a drug.
Once you’ve had a little, you need more.
I might not be good for you.
But you can’t wait till you get me again.
So you can say what you want.
You can examine what you choose.
But once I’m in your heart.
There’s no getting me out.
So say what you want and believe what you want.
But I’m here.
On your mind and on your heart, never forget.
You say you don’t need me.
But I know you want me.

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