On Feminism (Dear Society) | Teen Ink

On Feminism (Dear Society)

April 30, 2015
By Sabrina Davis BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
Sabrina Davis BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You see society has taken the female image
And made her something everyone is afraid to be
Made her dirty perverted disgusting
But riddle me this
If being a female has brought you into the world
Then why are you trying so hard to destroy it?
Society let me tell you this
Girls don’t owe you s***
We don’t have to wash your dirty socks
Or make you dinner every evening
We are human beings
Much to your displeasure
And we require things too
But see most of my sisters
They don’t believe that
Because society you!
You have taught them that feminism is bad
That being proud of your body is bad
That being anything except
Subjective to the man
Subservient the man
Is against the will of your misogynistic god
Well guess what?
Eve was framed!
And all your little conspiracy theories
About how if I like sex then I’m a no good wife
Are totally false and absurd
Because “s***” and “w****” are a social construct
Just waiting to be torn down with stiletto heels
And the angry war cries of women betrayed.
You want me to censor my language
And act quote on quote “lady like”
Well of course – can’t talk about sex
Can’t think about sex
Even though 1/8 of my senior class is pregnant
Even though I’ve seen lives destroyed because of sex
But not just because of sex
Because for all your bravado and chivalry society
Guys don’t feel obligated to protect the women they want to be intimate with
Oh excuse me
I know there are a few guys out there who are saying “Not all men!”
Pardon me. I know you’ve probably been friend zoned
Or maybe you’re in a long term commitment with your right hand
But you see “Not all men” betrays the theory “Not all women”
But all women are f***ed over by this patriarchal society you see standing before you today
Oh and society –
You twist nursery rhymes and story books to fit your wounded ego
The Prince always has to be a guy
Brave and blonde and willing to save the damsel in distress
Well knock knock society
Look whose here!
A whole group of women
Who are damsals
And who are in distress
But who can handle it themselves!
If I hear one more guy say that male privilege doesn’t exist
I will start swinging
Because I work about 59 days a year for free
Because my rights are voted on!
And furthermore society
Oh you warped and twisted society
You talk about rape like it’s a garden
And all women in the world are waiting to be plucked
Thrown to the ground
And beaten
But it’s a lovely garden
And if I protest your proverbial garden
If I speak out and say that I said no
You still think it’s my fault!
It’s the darnedest thing!
But I have a question for you society
So listen real close
Where were you when I was on the ground
Begging for my life
Because some man who was supposed to teach and protect me
Decided I was perfect for his needs?
Where were you when I need your help the most society?
That’s right
You weren’t anywhere to be found
Where were you when I felt I had to apologize
The minute I learned that I didn’t have to have a
Closed mouth and open legs?
Where were you society
When my 5th grade class
Learned about “Sex Ed” but the boys didn’t have to watch
The video?
Where were you society, when the boy I had a crush on
In 7th grade got to skip Health
When we learned about our bodies
And then later
Got his girlfriend pregnant?
Society you’ve asked me why I’ve written this letter
Why I call you out on your bullshit
Why I care about these problems anyways
I wrote this letter because every woman sometime in her life is given a can of pepper spray
I call you out because I avoid being sexually assaulted but you encourage it
I care because if I like sex than I’m a w**** but when you have sex you’re a man
I wrote this letter because I’ve been called a b**** and a femmenazi and told I need to chill the f*** out
I care because feminism is a dirty word
And you say this dirty word leaves a bad taste in your mouth
But your mother’s milk taste so sweet
And unless the word “woman” is sprinkled over it
You could care less who has equal rights
I care because when I have a son
I’m not worried about what I’ll say to him
But society
I fear what he will learn from you

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for my local slam group. I really love this piece, and I feel it encompasses a hot topic issue. 

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