Storms | Teen Ink


April 26, 2015
By the.hash.slinging.slasher BRONZE, Mohnton, Pennsylvania
the.hash.slinging.slasher BRONZE, Mohnton, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just because someone looks happy, doesn't mean they are because every white rose has a black shadow" (Unknown)

When going through a tough time, 

Just remember,

A storm always runs out of rain.


The storm will pass, 

The sun will come up, 

And the rain will dry.


Even thought that

There will be more storms,

You can survive those.

Because you have

Survived the last one.


With every storm that passes,

You can grow stonger.

Storms may 

Become strong 

But you can also become stronger.

You can over come your storms.

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