The Swine | Teen Ink

The Swine

April 18, 2015
By AaronT SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
AaronT SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"
-Andrew Ryan, Bioshock

Rustle-root truffle finder,

Sniffing indignantly amongst the old souls.

What right has he to interfere with those;

Spiritual things,

Too much for him to understand.


But the great pink rooter sees little of what is unseeable;

But senses much.

An old sense seizes him,

but not one that our grand old earth has ever lost.

It guides him to his final destination;

A tree root rich with truffles,

born from the flesh of old souls.

The author's comments:

Pigs don't seem to care much about metaphysics, as far as I have observed.

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