Are You Okay? | Teen Ink

Are You Okay?

April 13, 2015
By audreymunce GOLD, Lee\\\'s Summit, Missouri
audreymunce GOLD, Lee\\\'s Summit, Missouri
15 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I loved him, not for the way he danced with my angels.... But for the way the sound of his name could silence my demons.

The things people tell me
Are you okay?
You look so sad
What’s going on?
You know you can talk to me
I’m here for you
What I want to tell them
I’m not okay
I do look sad
That’s probably because
I am sad
To answer what’s going on
I don’t know how to answer that
I don’t know what’s going on either
My therapist can’t figure out
What’s wrong with me
My therapist doesn’t know
What triggers my anxiety
Or my depression
Because they just show up
At random times
Just to ruin my day

You say
I can talk to you
Well what if I can’t?
What if I don’t think you could handle it
My favorite author once said
“The truth can rip you apart”
What if my truth could rip you apart
Would you still want to hear it
And you say you’re here for me
But how far does that extension go
Will you be there for me
When I can no longer be there for you
Or when I am pushing you away
When secretly I know I need you

What I actually tell them
I’m fine, thanks
I’m just tired
Which really isn’t that much of a lie
I am tired
But the kind of tired I am is not fixed
With a full night of sleep
Nothing helps my tiredness
I’m just tired

So now you know
I am not okay
I do look sad
I don’t know what’s going on
I can’t talk to you
You are not there for me

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