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April 13, 2015
By kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
kenzienea SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Why do people say that if you love someone,
you have to let them go?
When all you do in life
is to spite the ones you love the most.

It never made any sense
that letting go is love.
Until it finally happened
and the ‘why’ became known.

For some it’s harder than others.
But it happens to all either way.
You do it to protect them,
from the hurt that you know is coming.

But no one can predict the future.
No one knows how much it really will hurt.
They'll just know that it’s coming,
but they use it as an excuse.

Being afraid of getting hurt is one thing.
But knowing that they love you is another.
The only way to truly last,
is to look through the mask.

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