I Find the Strength | Teen Ink

I Find the Strength

April 13, 2015
By Hayleysaur SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Hayleysaur SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨Not all those who wander are lost.¨

Sunlight sprawls across my face
eyes squint at the new day.
I find the strength and stand.

The light did not wake me,
but rather a sound.
An unintentional sound of mine
desperation sets in.

My stomach wails
begging for food.
I find the strength and run.

Scanning the forest floor,
my gaze falls upon my prey.
I stop running
creep close without a sound.

My prey is oblivious
innocently grazing beneath a tree.
I find the strength and charge.

Sprinting faster and faster,
I close the gap.
My mouth salivates
I pounce for the kill.

Claws grazing my prey’s back
just out of reach.
I lose the strength and collapse.

My prey runs off,
I’m left alone on the forest floor.
Agonizing pain shakes my body
hunger has defeated me...

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