One Creates the Other | Teen Ink

One Creates the Other

April 8, 2015
By JadedAngel PLATINUM, Leavittsburg, Ohio
JadedAngel PLATINUM, Leavittsburg, Ohio
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm Pretty, but I'm not Beautiful
I Sin, but I'm not the Devil
I'm Good, but I'm no Angel
-Marilyn Monroe

It is in fact the light

that creates the dark

It is in fact the good

which creates the bad

It is the happiness

that creates the sadness

It is the broken

that shows us what is fixed

It is hope

that gives us might

It is the day

that gives us night

It is the sun

that illuminates the moon

It is time

that tells us what is soon

It is sour

that shows us sweet

It is living

that allows us to meet

It is hello

that leads to goodbye

It is a smile

that ends in a sigh

It is love

that makes us cry

It is pain

that makes us lie

It is heaven

that creates hell

It is sickness

that makes us unwell

It is the sky

that creates the storm

Others leaving

makes us mourn

It is the warmth

that tells us what is cold

It is the new

that makes us old

It is in fact life

that creates death

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