The "Traumatic Event" | Teen Ink

The "Traumatic Event"

April 8, 2015
By audreymunce GOLD, Lee\\\'s Summit, Missouri
audreymunce GOLD, Lee\\\'s Summit, Missouri
15 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I loved him, not for the way he danced with my angels.... But for the way the sound of his name could silence my demons.

They bullied him for seven years
He would just sit there waiting
Waiting for the last blow
That day
He didn't wait
He had had enough
He was the Angel of Death
He stood up
Got pushed down again
But he stood up again
Staying up
His eyes turned darker
When his fist came in contact with his tormentors
He had enough humanity
To say a word
A word he had never heard
A word that gave the power
Of something vital
A head start
The word?
You must ask was
A simple word creating such fear
They ran
Oh, yeah they ran alright
What a sight
The tormentors finally running away in fear
Of the tormented
A great person
Once told a great quote
"We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
Oh, the tormented didn't stay silent this time
And he never will again
They say he sounded like a
They called him
He followed after them
His main focus only on one
The one responsible for the whole thing
He caught him
He kicked
Head butted
Until, finally he was satisfied
With what he had done
He stepped back
Let out a weak laugh
And collapsed
And for the tormentor?
He went the emergency room
And the rest is history
It's just the
"Traumatic Event"

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