An Animal’s Perspective: I am a Performer | Teen Ink

An Animal’s Perspective: I am a Performer

April 2, 2015
By gomiebear SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
gomiebear SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past, and no amound of anxiety can change the future."

The herd of human voices stampede into the arena.
The dim lights leave curiosity,
They feed on fluffy popcorn oozing with too much butter and crackle peanuts--
awaiting world of the abstract.
I’m in the back, Waiting.
Practicing my performance and dancing, because that’s the only thing I can do.

The approaching sound of a THUD THUD THUD draws.
The sinister smile, as big and crescent shaped as the moon, sparkles,
They tip-toe toward me, the grass crunching under them as I gulp--
awaiting the attack, I look down at the bitter terrain.
I’m in the back, Waiting.
Covering my eyes with my trunk, hiding, because that’s the only thing I can do.

The devilish grin conveys angst.
The crackle of his whip lashes a leathery SNAP.
They don’t know what’s going on, oblivious like children of the world.
Awaiting this hatred to end, I sob as I breathe and not burst into a storm--
I’m in the back, Waiting.
Crying, because that’s the only thing I can do.

The whip falls with a clank and
The cruel man leads me back for my performance,
They roar as I pose the spotlight reflecting on me--the center of attention.
Awaiting more and more and more, a spectacular show.
I’m performing.
I endure the herd and the man with the devilish grin--
because that’s the only thing I can do.

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