Charlotte, the Shy Rain | Teen Ink

Charlotte, the Shy Rain

March 31, 2015
By xMartin BRONZE, Daegu, Other
xMartin BRONZE, Daegu, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Such a nice day, but a black cloud shows up.

Starting to rain, can't drink from my tea cup.

Looking for who made the rain, Charlotte, the sugar cane.

Picking her up in middle of rain, with the most happiest smile,

Charlotte saying sorry, with such hesitation for while.

The author's comments:

Instead of putting down what made me do this work, I want to talk about what has gone through my mind about this. I was playing this Korean Online game called Cyphers, and I was assigned on my English class to do poetry, and it was almost to the point it was bothering me; what is the theme of the poetry going to be ? What else can make sense, like all the other poems about ? Then I thought, maybe the theme possibly can be on games, and characters' stories. So then, I came up where some of the characters in Cyphers will be in the poetry, and some might describe what they would do usually. However, I have written other poetry, which had a lot of limits put toward, and Charlotte one was the understandable one that I made; with all kinds of understanding grammars and rhymings. I feel that it might be the best one out of all my work, which I will post one later on. Thank you for reading !

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